Thursday, September 8, 2011

FB Killed it.

As much as I am a huge fan of the Zuckerberg boy (He's precisely what my six-year-old self wanted to be by the time I was twenty-two, namely, stinking rich) I cant help but rue the fact that Facebook has led to the destruction of several facets of human interaction. To name a few, here goes,

1. Blogging- Sigh! The dying art of blogging! I have see the number of comments dwindle on even the most ardently followed blogs. Who would want to go click on a link, then read a post, then click on 'comment', then type the comment, then go to user verification, then verify email and password and then wait for the comment to be read and moderated?!?
Instead, your amateur wannabe writer comes along with a simple 'FB Note' about his/her random shenanigans and tags you to draw your attention. You, in return leave a one step comment or if you are least interested, make-do with a polite 'Like' and your're good to go. Not to forget the mass publicity for the FB Note. Clearly Zuckerberg got this feature right.

2. Genuineness- Courtesy FB, we all have dual personalities today. The FB self and the Real self. The real self is the genuine you, with a bunch of close friends, at a coffee shop, amidst honest conversations. The FB self is you, the Celeb, chased by the paparazzi! The 'You' who goes to a party all decked up, perfect smile and make-up just so you can have a brand new FB display picture. The 'You' who makes plans to hangout with friends based on which post-hangout status update will sound cooler. The Genuineness is lost in the constant need to show the world how 'Cool and Happening' your life is. Once again, FB killed it.

3. Phone conversations, Email, Texts- And I needn't elaborate. Convenience being the key, our perennially online selves would much rather communicate, send attachments and messages via FB. We would also make excessive use of 'Wallposts'. What better way to let the world eavesdrop on our apparently interesting conversations and gossip?. One word of advice however, quite frankly, Nobody cares.

4. Friends, enemies, frenemies, Same difference- On FB, we're all one big family. Strangers become 'FB friends', Acquaintances become 'FB Friends', Friend's friends become 'FB friends', Relatives become 'FB friends', Colleagues and bosses also become 'FB Friends'! Clearly we dont know where to draw the line. Nor do we make optimum use of privacy settings to demarcate the boundaries of social interaction. You life is now on display sans privacy. Once again, FB killed it.

Obviously, this is not an all-inclusive list since I await the death of YouTube, Picasa Web Album et al, courtesy Facebook. Yet we cant help but marvel at the genius that is Facebook. See you in the real world!

P.S. #1- For obvious reasons, this blogpost is not saved as an FB note!
P.S. #2- In other news, you HAVE to watch the Simi Selects episode with Shahid Kapoor! Sigh! Fallen in love all over again! <3 :P