Thursday, November 6, 2008

All Hail the (American) President!!!

I love the American system. It moves me to tears. Partly because of the beauty of it, and partly because of the sheer lack of it in India. Very rarely do I take any interest in politics but the new American President-elect Barrack Obama is such an extraordinary orator, he can make any Bollywood-obsessed teen sit up and take notice.
Sure, both countries are democracies. But the representatives are drastically different. Not a single Indian politician can deliver a heartfelt speech like Obama. No Indian politico can connect with the people the way he does. Its not about perfect pronunciation or fancy words. Its about the deeply embedded message that he conveys straight to a person's soul.
Never can one imagine the people of India as united in the victory of a leader as was recently seen in America. Our politicians are definitely the creme-de-la-creme when it comes to educational qualifications. Then why is it that they never speak effectively irrespective of the language in which they are communicating? Why is it that they never, I repeat, never dress smart? Why is it that they never have an impact on the people? Why don't the people get moved to tears or break into a smile on hearing the President's speech? Why haven't we ever witnessed a bright spark of enthusiasm?
Its high time our Indian politicos pull up their socks and change. After all, 'CHANGE WE TOO NEED'! In the words of Rahul Gandhi, we desperately need a few 'thousand Obamas' in our nation...



An African-American decided to stand-up from among the masses without reservation. Can a SC/ST even imagine do so?

A brilliant lawmaker from Harvard Law School stoop up and asked the people to follow him. Can an IIM student dare do it?

Delivering a heartfelt speech doesn't mean its supposed to be in English. Did we ever bother to hear speeches of political leaders?

Being dresses smart doesn't mean you need to be in a suit. It's the way we perceive things. Does wearing a khadi mean the person isn't dynamic?

In USA, the turnout to vote was highest since 1904. Do Indian youngsters bother to vote?

It is not that we never make an impact. Have we sincerely tried it?

It is the high-time WE pull up our socks instead of asking others. WE ARE THE CHANGE THAT WE NEED!

Anonymous said...

LIke the guy said above, we need to change; but we need a leader who inspires change. Mr. Manmohan Singh is an inspiring leader, problem is the multi-party system. AMericans have thier job cut out. You either choose left or right. Dem or Rep. But we hae Left parties, Right parties, Directionless parties, Religious parties, secular parties, minorities parties. From the options we have ideally voter either votes on basis of the leader of the party, religious affilliation, or which party seems least insane amongst the rest.

Anonymous said...

hey gr8 blog!! its speaks da truth!! i agree wid u!! :)

Suchita said...

'All hail illogical! the future prez/P.M. who promises to take charge n bring about a change...' :D

its a pity u didn't come up with a rap for this post...
directionless parties??? lol! u bet!

MAVERICK said...

just wen u r all praise for his oratory qualities (which i 2 am all envious abt), rememba Adolf Hitler was a gr8 speaker... all that i am sayin is, he has spoken himself into the White House... secondly, he is from the oppressed lot WHO 60 YEARS AGO WOULDNT HAVE BEEN SERVED IN A RESTAURANT... just prayin his prejudices dont come in d way of his objectivity... n thirdly, his middle name is very important.... TO THE MUSLIM WORLD,WE SEEK A NEW WAY FORWARD....... its d world that BARACK OBAMA will take forward

Monal Thacker said...

I like American politics coz:
1)Obama says "I think I screwed up. I take responsibility for it and we're going to make sure we fix it" whereas Indian politicians never admit their mistakes.
2)American politicians withdraw just because they fail to pay taxes whereas Indian politicians who are criminals are made chief ministers.
America has never witnessed dirty politics but back home here we just can't live without it.
Indians are politicians while Americans are rulers.
No doubt India is the world's largest democracy........

raghu said...

im sure it will surprise you!

Suchita said...

hmm... both articles contradict each other although i undoubtedly believe the Telegraph one :D
obama is a gr8 leader- gaffe or no gaffe... he MAY not be able to prove himself cos he's taken over the economy at the wrong time but hey, dat jus gives him a bigger chance to prove that he can walk the talk, literally!

Misunderstood Genius said...

hey Indian politics is witnessing a change. I fr 1 have gr8 faith in d current PM. sure he's not a gr8 orator like Obama but he's certainly better qualified. sure he cant connect wid d ppl d way Obama did nor does he move ppl 2 tears wid his speech, but he does have dat spark of enthusiasm dat ur talking abt. he's far more assertive 2day dan he was 5 yrs back n dat can only mean good fr d country.

& as fr ppl not taking part in d political process n bringing abt a change - look at d current result. sure d turnout was avg, but look at d verdict. v voted fr d most qualified PM ever 2 lead India.. NOT a woman who's only work is 2 make statues of herself, neither a person who's only agenda is Babri n 2 go on Rath Yatras.

Ohh yeah, n v can do without d few 1000 obamas... v jst need 525 MPs who do der work n do it wid d honesty n sincerity expected of dem

steffi said...

suchi you really dont know any other politician besides lalu and mayawati
There are MANY smart well dressed politicians who can communicate extremely well but may be not as famous as the likes of lalu


Obama and all that is ok..he is doubt.But is also because americans were actually interested and involved.
It is not so much the politician's fault as it is ours