Monday, November 16, 2009

Be the Change...

What do you do when you come across a pot-hole on the road? You blame the system.
When the electricity vanishes every now and then? You blame the system.
When the water woes don't seem to end? You blame the system.
Cliche as it sounds, this is the typical response of every Indian.
The 'system' that we so frequently pass the buck to comprises the govenrment and other authorities who are vested with the task of running the country.
What we forget is that we always have the privilege and responsibility of voting these people to power. Why then, do we vote for a bunch of circus clowns and expect them to excel at complex tasks? The ready counter argument is that it is only jokers and criminals who stand for elections. So people are left with no option but to vote for the best from the worst.
After that, the blame game begins until the next round of elections. The elected representatives thrive on money, the country goes to the dogs, the people sit back and criticize the government, the government in turn provides lousy excuses for their inaction, the people criticize some more but take no action and eventually, a new Government is voted to power with hopes of more avenues for criticism. This is the vicious circle that our country is trapped in.
There is zero accountability in the Govt. but we, the people, also need to pull up our socks. Majority of Indians completely lack civic sense. People are seen casually littering and spitting right in the middle of busy streets. People get immense pleasure in flouting all laws and rules. An even bigger victory is when they get caught and 'settle matters' with some dough, only to break the law again. We add fuel to fire by giving bribes and then end up cribbing about corruption. The 'Chalta hai' attiitude among the people has gone too far. The people also need to take partial responsibility for the nation's sorry state of affairs.
India is a patchwork of diverse cultures, religions and mentatlities. But instead of savouring the variety on display, most Indians are resorting to disgraceful acts of self importance by maligning other cultures only to favour their own. This has only intensified in the recent past and speaks volumes about the poor morals and ethics imbibed in the average Indian. As you can see, various factors contribute to the problems faced by India.
So what are the possible solutions to these problems? That is where the youth comes into the picture. Preachy as it sounds, India's young and talented population needs to be encouraged and guided to bring out the best in them. We need to revamp the education system to produce more Leaders as opposed to mere rote- learners. We need to stop cribbing about the system and be a part of the system ourselves. We need to invest our talent in places other than foreign MNCs alone. It could be a small step like associating with an NGO or a mass movement to join politics. Grab every opportunity to make a difference for the better. Be proactive with your intentions and vocal with your thoughts. The reigns are in your hands, only YOU can take the country to new heights. BE THE CHANGE! After all, Change we TOO need!


Misunderstood Genius said...

ok this is rare... Serious Suchita..

You actually hit the nail on the head here. The one thing we lack as Indians is civic sense. But then, this has been inculcated to us right from the beginning.

Case in point: The Clean up drive started by the DF Govt - Complete failure. Partly because of the politician's themselves who were quoted saying, "The people should be dealt with leniency. The fines are too high" to the general public who after getting caught, were quoted saying, "Tu jaanta nahi mai kaun huu..."

If we really want to change India, we really need to change ourselves. The politicians will follow.

Suchita said...


n yeah, Serious Suchita is rare?!?!? I take that as a compliment! :P

Unknown said...

just i was preparing the usual response to the first half of your blog- lack of options for gud leaders;

you quashed my counter-arguments with the civic sense ripper. nail on the head as afroz said..

I do my bit by cramming peices of paper, covers n wrappers in my pockets/bag till i reach home (n den f'get to unload them)

I take blame for not being a responsible citizen, as i don't vote nor contribute thru NGO/politics. but i'll try n use my intellect to get something out of it..

As for u Suchi.. I'd wish u were a celebrity to have ur voice heard. fine speech this, the Abdul Kalam types. get it published somewhere.. though indians are immune to these wake-up calls, but u might just knock one gr8 mind or d oder.. gr8 goings..

Suchita said...

lol! thanks anirudh!
i'm gonna send it in for the college mag editorial perhaps...

commited to life said...


i so agree with you...
we need to change ourselves..

p.s was just passing by

Krishna said...

twas as if u read mie mind bt u expressed it more u shud seriously get into d system n exemplify ur ideals...u kno u have d proficiency to be d change..!! n this aint ny genuiune fake bt i relly admire d revolutionary spirit in

i truly condemn those people who litter despite bein literate...not to forget d erratic politicians who litter d law...its high tym to pioneer decorum in d country...

i seriously wish n hope pple lyk u break into n break d conventional sloppiness !! i assure u mie bit.., i'l vote for u...!! lolzzz ;))

Krishna said...

missed out a bit in mie prior comment..

quite an intellectual certainly serves ur purpose...!!

steffi said...

Suchita,did you vote?

And about the article,it is very ideological.I do not think its what everyone can practice.

Anyway,its a very good article.You have always been very good in expressing yourself

Aditi said...

hey suchita,
felt so good after reading your blog....the same things what u have written in here were going through my mind wen i first saw such a mass on roads n ramlila maidan...the first question dat came to my mind was..wat if the cameraman ask one of the ppl dere "We will show u on T.V. if u give us Rs.50"..and wat will be the answer?? Corruption is so beautifully incepted in our minds..that we don recognize its corruption..but still i whole heartily support this movement and proud to have ppl like arvind kejrival in our country..
I vote for my MP n will soon do a better job then just voting or joinin a MNC...Do join me then :)

P.S. Nice Blog btw!! :)